Answers to some of your most common questions:
Boarding: can my pet board at SeaPort?
We do not offer general boarding. Our space is limited to hospitalized patients.
Dentistry/Surgery: What do I need to know before/after my pet’s procedure?
We will call within a few days of the appointment to review your pet’s drop off time and explain how long to fast your pet before they come in (usually a minimum of 8 hours). We make sure to answer all your questions so when you come in with your pet you are up to speed on what to expect and feel comfortable entrusting them to our care. At the time of check-in, we’ll confirm what contact number to use to get in touch with you during the day. Our staff will update you when your pet is out of their procedure and recovering from anesthesia, and will schedule a time for you to discharge your pet from our hospital. At the time of discharge, members of our surgical staff will meet with you to give you a final update, answer your questions and review a printed copy of your pet’s home instructions. We also follow up with you over the next few days to get updates and see if you have any new questions.
Emergencies: what do I do if I think my pet is having an emergency?
Regardless of the time of day, the best thing to do is to call us. If we’re closed, our answering machine provides our recommendation for where to bring your pet. If you’re calling during business hours, we will ask for specific information about your pet’s symptoms and let you know what to do. You may be advised to come right down, but in some situations we might recommend going directly to the ER at a referral hospital if that’s what we think is best for your pet. Overall, the most urgent types of calls we receive involve acute lameness, straining to urinate, collapse, difficulty breathing, major bleeding, or an acutely swollen belly.
Euthanasia: what do I need to know?
The most important thing to recognize is that euthanasia is a way to both end and prevent further suffering. As pet owners, we are charged with making difficult and sometimes life-ending decisions for our animal companions. We will help guide you through the decision making process and be there as you work toward coming to terms with the situation. Letting go is never easy; we understand how significant your loss can be. Your pet’s quality of life needs to be the primary focus, and we understand that that may not always be clear for you to see. We promise a compassionate, pain-free ending for your pet and will treat both them and you with dignity through the process. You are welcome to be present with your pet during the euthanasia, but you do not need to be. Some owners elect to stay with the pet only until the first round of medication induces a relaxing effect, but then opt not to be there for the final intravenous injection of the euthanasia solution. Options are then available regarding the after-care of your pet’s remains. Some owners take them home for burial, while others request a cremation with or without the return of ashes. We will review all those options with you in advance so you and your family can take time to decide what you’d like to do. And we promise to take care of your pets remains with the highest level of respect.
Medications: if my pet needs medicine, do you provide it?
Yes, the vast majority of the time we will send you home with exactly what your pet needs to get better. We rely on local human pharmacies when necessary, but we understand the convenience of not having to make another stop on the way home or wait for medications to arrive in the mail. Also, we work hard to keep our medication prices affordable so your pet can get the treatment they need.
Scared pets: how do you handle them?
With kindness and respect. We know that taking a bit of extra time and getting to know your pet goes a long way. The less threatened they feel, the more relaxed they (and you) are. This allows us to deliver optimal medical care and sends them the message that they are welcome at our hospital. We also have different options for giving your pet a calming agent a couple of hours ahead of their appointment if that seems like a good option for them.
X-rays & Ultrasound: do you have these capabilities?
Indeed we do. Our digital technology provides diagnostic imaging that can be rapidly shared with radiology experts through our integrated telemedicine program.