Hospital Policies
Payment is due at the time services are rendered. If you have any special considerations regarding payment, please discuss this with the receptionist prior to seeing the doctor. We accept a variety of payment options, including cash, check, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, and CareCredit.

CareCredit is a personal line of credit for healthcare, both human and veterinary, that works like a credit card. To apply, click here for the CareCredit Online Credit Application or call their 24/7 phone number at 1-800-365-8295.
Client Agreement
I, the undersigned, am 18 years or older, and am the owner or authorized agent of the pet(s) listed on my account.
I agree to allow the SeaPort Veterinary Hospital staff to scan my pet for a microchip, and to perform examinations, diagnostic tests and treatments as necessary.
I understand that no guarantees can be made regarding the success of services provided, and that the Hospital will provide an estimate of current and anticipated fees at my request.
I agree to be financially responsible for all costs for such services. I understand that full payment is due at the time services are rendered. The hospital only accepts checks for established clients, and payment by check will not be allowed if bouncing of checks occurs more than twice.
I recognize that showing up on time for appointments helps the Hospital staff schedule their day effectively and remain available for the many pets that need their care during the course of the day. I understand that if I fall into a pattern of missing or cancelling multiple appointments on short notice, I may be required to prepay for all appointments moving forward. I also understand that the following fees will be charged for any scheduled appointments that I do not cancel at least one full business day in advance: $25 for doctor exams; $100 for diagnostic workups; $100 for surgery and dentistry.
I appreciate the importance of minimizing the risk of exposing the Hospital staff to rabies, and understand that unless medically contraindicated, the Massachusetts Rabies Law requires that cats, dogs and ferrets must be kept up to date on their rabies vaccine in order to receive veterinary services.
I understand that the Hospital will not become involved with any issues related to products, medications or preventatives purchased online or through outside pharmacies. I understand that the Hospital cannot accept any responsibility (financial or other) for any treatments required as a result of the use of products purchased from these sources. I agree to hold the Hospital harmless for any deleterious effects or lack of effectiveness of drugs or vaccines purchased from those sources.
I understand the Hospital may want to take pictures of my pet for medical or educational purposes, or for the purpose of posting on SeaPort Veterinary Hospital social media. Such social media posts will not identify me and will be respectful. Posts could include my pet's name, breed and what services were rendered. If I do not want my pet to be photographed for social media purposes, I will communicate this with the staff.
I agree to ask permission before taking pictures or videos of the Hospital staff, procedures or other clients.
I agree to ask permission before publishing any communications between myself and the Hospital staff on social media or elsewhere online.
I agree not to seek advice or medical care for my pets from Hospital staff members after hours (ex. at the grocery store, via social media, etc.). Respecting staff members' time off is critical since providing excellent care relies on our staff members having a good work-life balance. I understand that seeking advice or medical care from Hospital staff off-hours may result in the permanent inactivation of my account at the Hospital.
I agree to respect and treat staff members fairly at all times. I understand that SeaPort Veterinary Hospital reserves the right to terminate client relationships because of abusive client behavior.
FOR CHICKENS: I agree that if this pet is treated with medications, I will follow my veterinarian's instructions regarding medication withdrawal times.
By reading this form, I agree to all terms above.